Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Pioneer Reference Power Amplifier M-90

Pioneer Reference Power Amplifier M-90
(solid state) dg tampilan yg sangat mewah..
Body besar yg dibalut kayu mengkilap disisi kanan dan kiri
Panel depan jg tampak mengkilap warna hitam dg kombinasi garis2 warna gold
Power ini di produksi sekitar th 1987 yg merupakan produk pioneer yg berkelas...
berdasar dari data yg saya dapat dari web pioneer , power ini mengeluarkan daya 2 x 200 W(8 ohm)

Pada panel depan bagian bawah kiri ada sebuah selector input (control amp/cd direct/line) dan di sebelah kanan ada volume control .
Antara selector dan volume control terdapat tutup yg bisa dibuka , ada 3 knob kecil2 (push) : pilihan spk a/b dan on/off lamp led nya
Led nya berwarna orange , bisa ditampilkan atau dimatikan

Tampak atas body power amplifiernya ...kisi2 kecil yg banyak untuk mengeluarkan hawa panas dari power amplifier ini...
Tutup bagian bawahnya jg dg kisi2 kecil spt yg atas tp dg bahan tembaga merah..
for serius Collector

Tampak tutup bawah casing nya dari bahan tembaga murni,dan juga bagian dlm terbuat dari tembaga juga

Kondisi power Pioneer Reference M-90 ini masih sangat mulus...ORIGINAL
berpasangan dg Pre Amplifier Pioneer Reference C-90

Tampak finishing nya yg berkesan mewah....

tampak panel di belakang nya...colokan RCA dan banana keluaran ke unit speaker

Colokan RCA Gold Plate , ada 4 macam pilihan untuk input nya...
1. Control amp : input dari preamp tanpa melewati volume control pada power amplifier
2.CD Direct :memungkin kan inpun dari CD langsung tanpa melewati preamp
3.Line direct :input dg melewati volume control pada power amplifier
4.CD/Line : input dg melewati colume control pada power amplifier

data dari Web Pioneer :
Elite M-90 Reference Stereo Power Amplifier

Pioneer introduced the M-90 Reference Power Amplifier in 1987, to be used in conjunction with the C-90 Reference Control Amplifier. In the January 1987 issue of Stereo Review that ran the "Not Evolutionary-Revolutionary" advertisement, here is what Pioneer said about the M-90:

"The M-90 is a superb high-power stereo amplifier, utilizing dual-mono construction. It is conservatively rated at 200 W/CH into 8 ohms and delivers 800 W/CH of dynamic power at 2 ohms. The wide dynamic range of the digital sources can now be reproduced effortlessly, with any loudspeakers. The M-90's high current capacity of 47 amps can handle the challenge of the most complex speaker loads. To further enhance S/N ratio and channel separation, relay-operated electronic switches and a long shaft volume control keep the length of signal paths down to a minimum. Why include a high quality volume control on a power amp? To pursue the straight wire-with-gain philosophy when using a CD player connected directly. Pure sound, redefined."

The M-90 was virtually distortion-free, having only 0.003% THD from 20-20K Hz @ 8 ohms, and had a S/N ratio of 125 dB! (See the complete specifications at bottom of page.) The M.S.R.P. for the M-90 was $950.00. It was superseded by the M-91 in 1989.


Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

MACROM INTEGRA 54.10 (car audio) ( SOLD)

Mid MACROM Integra 54.10 split coaxial..
sebenarnya speaker ini jenis coaxial karena tweeter nya berada tepat ditengah2 mid nya
tetapi kemudian saya ubah menjadi 2 way terpisah dg melepas tweter sehingga antara mid dan tweeter terpisah..
Karena tweeter dilepas otomatis di tengah mid ada lubang yg besar , kemudian saya tutup dg dust cup yg kebetulan dg ukuran yg sama
Di rangka mid nya tdk ada lubang buat skrup ...saya kurang paham bagaimana cara pasang nya..

tampak tulisan type nya : Integra 54.10 2 way system triple magnet

mid ini punya ukuran hanya 4 inch

magnet nya model berlubang tetapi ada tutup nya

tweeter model dome masih original...

tampak magnet tweeter nya

FOCAL car audio ( SOLD )

Split Focal 6" dg bahan keflar....type 6K218

Kondisi masih normal, mulus dan original belum pernah service

Model rangka nya rigid,kokoh dan kuat..

Masih asli made in France

tweeter kecil model dome...
Yg saya ini tanpa ada crossover nya...

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009



Pre amplifier Sondcraftsmen DX-4000
Model flat tanpa control Bass/treble...
Potensiometer memakai product ALPS
Banyak sekali tombol di panel depan dan colokan RCA di belakang .. tp kayaknya ga terlalu fungsi untuk stereo control...
Yang berfungsi utama /penting hanya Volume, balance dan selector ...

Type pre amp nya DX-4000
Made in USA...
travo sudah diganti menjadi 220V

Berjejer colokan RCA nya ....


Mic Mixer with Digital echo merk Pioneer (SOLD)
Bisa buat mixer karaoke di rumah...

ada 3 colokan untuk mic nya dg control digital echo

masih build up Japan jadi voltage nya 100V

Colokan RCA pada panel belakang untuk input dan output

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Pioneer Reference Control Amplifier C-90

Pioneer Reference Control Amplifier C-90
Ini adalah koleksi audio saya yg terlama..dan sebenarnya pre ini berpasangan dg power nya PIONEER REFERENCE  M-90
Memang tampak mewah dan mahal....
Body di dlm nya dan tutup bawah dg bahan tembaga murni...
Desain tampak MEWAH dan EKSKLUSIF..
Only for Serius Collector

Tmapk tutup casing bawah dari bahan tembaga murni

body kanan kiri dg kayu mengkilap....

data dari web pioneer :

The Elite C-90 Reference Control Amplifier was introduced by Pioneer in 1987 and manufactured through 1988. Like the M-90 Reference Power Amplifier, the C-90 was a twin-mono design with separate power supplies and circuitry for both left and right channels. It was designed to handle state of the art video as well as audio inputs.
Front panel layout included Video input switching for TV Tuner, VCR1, VCR2, VCR3 and VDP on the left, and Audio input switching for Tape 1, Tape 2, Tuner, Phono and CD on the right. The Main Power switch was located in the upper lefthand corner with Standby switch next to it. The motorized Volume knob was on the upper right of the panel. Beneath these groups of controls was a narrow silver band having the infrared sensor for the remote control and small leds with nomenclature indicating the control amp's current functions.
The back panel featured RCA jacks that was spaced wide enough apart to permit the use of audiophile grade interconnect cables. There were two unswitched AC jacks and one switched AC jack for powering other components.
A particularly nice touch was the visible copper plating for all nomenclature which duplicated the copper plated chassis appearance inside the unit.
The C-90 was favorably reviewed by Stereo Review in the April 1987 issue (see below). The C-90 had a list price of $800.00. It was superceded by the C-91 in 1989.
C-90 Interior


Senin, 07 Desember 2009

CAMBRIDGE C 70 Preamplifier (for sale)

Pre amplifier Cambridge C70
Tampilan seperti biasa product Cambridge kebanyakan berwarna agak abu2
made in England
Tampak panel depan terdapat beberapa tombol2: selektor input/selektor normal direct/pengatur bass/treble dan Volume
Tampak pada panel belakang berjejer colokan RCA gold plate
CD/AUX/PHONO dan pre Out put nya
ada 2 macam output : aktif dan passive..
kalau pake output passive meskipun tanpa colokan listrik tetap bisa play/bunyi

Mengunakan 2 bh travo : kotak dan toroid
ditawarkan : SOLD