Rabu, 04 November 2009


Tape pita merk NAKAMICHI type 1000 3 TRACER
dg casing dari kayu dan model yg besar tape ini berat sekali..
Tape ini diproduksi sekitar tahun 1970 an...made in Japan
Nakamichi termasuk produsen tape pita yg terkenal dg type DRAGON nya..tetapi ketika dikeluarkan waktu itu NAKAMICHI 1000 dan 1000 ZXL harga nya sgt mahal dan lebih mahal dari type DRAGON yg terkenal era 80 an..
harga waktu itu 310.000 yen..wow...
Mungkin untuk jaman sekarang Tape pita sudah sgt jarang sekali digunakan...tp mungkin masih dicari oleh kolektor cmn buat koleksi aja..NOSTALGIA....
Kondisi masih normal

tampak depan ada 2 pegangan di sisi kiri dan kanan...ada 2 tampilan VU meter untuk chanel kiri dan kanan..
Volume model geser .....

ditawarkan : SOLD
hub :08123214422/08815070368

tentang NAKAMICHI 1000 :
Other products from Nakamichi did not acquire the "Dragon" name but were still notable. These include the Nakamichi 1000 series products with the 1000ZXL cassette deck being more advanced and expensive than the Dragon cassette deck. The Nakamichi 1000 digital audio tape transport and Nakamichi 1000p digital to audio converter system were Nakamichi's reference digital audio tape components. These components were intended to establish Nakamichi's dominance in the field of digital audio tape (DAT), but DAT was not widely adopted by audiophiles, as the format itself did not gain acceptance as an industry standard.

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