Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Nakamichi DAC-41 (Digital Analog Converter)

Nakamichi DAC-41 ( Digital to Analog Conberter )
biasanya dipakai pada audio mobil
Made in Japan
Kondisi mulus dan masih normal
Menggunakan Burr-Brown PCM1702P, 44.1/48kHz
Sold to Jkt
Thanks Mr.T.H.

1 komentar:

  1. hi, i hope you can help! i have a nakamichi dac101 that i bought new in 1980 for about $600. it was the best back then and i think it still might be the best ever! but when i took it to a pawn shop to see what it is worth they told me they won't touch it without a serial number. i don't remember it ever having one! where should i look? the paperwork and everything else is long gone and i only have the converter, but theres nothing on the outside.
