NAD 1000 Preamplifier
Kondisi masih normal
Masih original
Ada line CD/Tuner/AUX/Phono MM/MC
Harga : SOLD
Pin BB : 20E12328
Saya adalah penggemar AUDIO dan ARLOJI, tp bermain di kelas entry level..sebagian adalah KOLEKSI saya dan sebagian ada yg saya JUAL...deskripsi yg saya buat pada sebuah produk adalah kondisi sebenar benarnya,foto2 yg saya buat jg apa adanya spt kondisi yg sesungguhnya..apabila anda membeli barang ada jaminan/garansi personal dari saya..Terima Kasih.GBU all

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
sONY Stand Speaker Surround WS-F2
Sony Stand speaker surround
Type : WS-F2
Kondisi NEW
Harga : SOLD OUT
Barang cukup berat
Type : WS-F2
Kondisi NEW
Harga : SOLD OUT
Barang cukup berat
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011
Linx Theta FM Tuner (SOLD)
Linx Theta FM Tuner
Kondisi masih sangat MULUS lengkap dengan BOX nya
Kekurangan : ada baret sedikit pada panel depan
Made in U.K
Harga :SOLD / TERJUAL to Bdg
Pin BB :20E12328
Kondisi masih sangat MULUS lengkap dengan BOX nya
Kekurangan : ada baret sedikit pada panel depan
Made in U.K
Harga :SOLD / TERJUAL to Bdg
Pin BB :20E12328
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
Audio Innovations L1 Tube Preamplifier (SOLD)
Audio Innovations L1
Tube preamplifier ( 1 pcs tube 12AU7 )
Line stage only (no line phono)
Ada pilihan low gain / high gain output
Dengan model yg tdk terlalu besar (midsize) , simple dan terlihat UNIK bentuk casing nya
Kondisi masih ORIGINAL dan sangat MULUS
Original made in England
Pin BB :20E12328
Tube preamplifier ( 1 pcs tube 12AU7 )
Line stage only (no line phono)
Ada pilihan low gain / high gain output
Dengan model yg tdk terlalu besar (midsize) , simple dan terlihat UNIK bentuk casing nya
Kondisi masih ORIGINAL dan sangat MULUS
Original made in England
Pin BB :20E12328
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
DW Preamplifier SPS MK 3 (Dawson Wright),..ANTIK..!(SOLD)
DW (Dawson Wright) preamplifier SPS MK3
Made in Canada
Model antik , kecil memanjang ke belakang
Model flat tanpa control bass/treble , jadi pada panel depan hanya ada potensio volume dan balance saja
Kemudian terdapat tombol2 selector pada sisi panel bagian atas
Ada colokan untuk head phone (tp blm dicoba suara nya dengan head phone)
Input dan output RCA nya ada di bagian atas bodi preamplifier
Catatan : ada gantian potensio balance nya
Potensio volume masih original
Made in Canada
Model antik , kecil memanjang ke belakang
Model flat tanpa control bass/treble , jadi pada panel depan hanya ada potensio volume dan balance saja
Kemudian terdapat tombol2 selector pada sisi panel bagian atas
Ada colokan untuk head phone (tp blm dicoba suara nya dengan head phone)
Input dan output RCA nya ada di bagian atas bodi preamplifier
Catatan : ada gantian potensio balance nya
Potensio volume masih original
Langka....Rogers A-75 Series 2 "Integrated Amplifier" (SOLD)
Roger's A-75 Series 2
Integrated Amplifier
Kondisi Original dan masih sangat mulus
Made in England
Roger's yg kita kenal biasanya mengenai Produk speaker terutama nama Roger's LS 3/5a yg begitu melegenda baik di Indonesia maupun di manca negara.Dan hampir semua speaker produk Roger's bersuara sangat bagus dan dapat diterima oleh telinga para audio lover's.
Ternyata Roger's juga mengeluarkan amplifier yg salah satu nya type A-75 ini. Diproduksi untuk digabungkan dengan speaker Rogers LS3/5a
Dengan model yg tdk terlalu besar ,warna hitam dengan finishing kayu / wood pada sisi kiri dan kanan
Kesan vintage nya sangat kental.
Bersuara cukup bagus , smooth dan clean
Harga :SOLD
Pin BB :20E12328
Integrated Amplifier
Kondisi Original dan masih sangat mulus
Made in England
Roger's yg kita kenal biasanya mengenai Produk speaker terutama nama Roger's LS 3/5a yg begitu melegenda baik di Indonesia maupun di manca negara.Dan hampir semua speaker produk Roger's bersuara sangat bagus dan dapat diterima oleh telinga para audio lover's.
Ternyata Roger's juga mengeluarkan amplifier yg salah satu nya type A-75 ini. Diproduksi untuk digabungkan dengan speaker Rogers LS3/5a
Dengan model yg tdk terlalu besar ,warna hitam dengan finishing kayu / wood pada sisi kiri dan kanan
Kesan vintage nya sangat kental.
Bersuara cukup bagus , smooth dan clean
Harga :SOLD
Pin BB :20E12328
Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011
Dynaco DCV-1 "Vacuum Tube CD Player " ( SOLD)
Dynaco CDV-1
Vacuum Tube CD Player
Kondisi MULUS dan msh ORIGINAL
Lengkap dengan remote
Vacuum Tube CD Player
Kondisi MULUS dan msh ORIGINAL
Lengkap dengan remote
Dynaco CDV-1(SOLD),
sold (cd player)
Audio Innovation Series 500 "Integrated Amplifier TUBE" (SOLD)
Audio Innovation Series 500
Integrated Amplifier Tube
Daya : 2 x 25 Watts class A (Push pull)
Tube : 4 x EL34 (Original bawaan amplifier )
2 x ECC88 ( diganti pakai yg gold pin)
3 x ECC83 (Original bawaan)
Kondisi mulus ,full original
Harga : SOLD
pin BB :20E12328
Integrated Amplifier Tube
Daya : 2 x 25 Watts class A (Push pull)
Tube : 4 x EL34 (Original bawaan amplifier )
2 x ECC88 ( diganti pakai yg gold pin)
3 x ECC83 (Original bawaan)
Kondisi mulus ,full original
Harga : SOLD
pin BB :20E12328
Conrad Johnson PV-2 (SOLD)
Conrad Johnson PV-2
Tube Preamplifier
Tube : 1 x 12AX7 , 2 x 5751 dan 3 x 12AT7
Ada gantian pada capasitor power supply
Komponen lainnya masih original
Potensio ALPS model besar
Made in USA
Harga : SOLD
pin BB : 20E12328

The PV2 was a refinement of the PV1. The PV2 offered a similar circuit with the more linear 5751 substituted for the second triode in the phono stage and 12AT7s used as cathode followers for lower output impedance. The PV2 was constructed on a single main pc-board, eliminating the cumbersome wiring harnesses of the PV1, and assuring unit-to-unit consistency in production. The PV2 maintained or improved the parts quality standards established in the PV1. A muting circuit was added to mute the turn-on and turn-off surges associated with tube preamplifiers.
The PV2a revision entailed eliminating a coupling capacitor from both phono and line stages, resulting in significantly improved bass performance. Re-trimming the phono stage resulted in improved linearity and even closer RIAA tracking, further improved by use of 1% tolerance capacitors in the equalization circuit. The input tube for the line stage was changed from a 12AT7 to a 5751. Coupling capacitors were upgraded from mylar to polypropylene. The PV2ar further enhanced this model by a number of parametric changes aimed at improving high-frequency transient response.
Inputs/Outputs — Phono, Tuner, Auxiliary, monitor and recording facilities for two tape decks with dubbing from Tape 1 to Tape 2. Two power amplifier (Main) outputs.
Selector, Source/Monitor, Mode (Reverse, Stereo, Mono), Balance, Volume, & Power.
Auto-muting to suppress warm up transients.

V1: 12AX7
V2, V5: 5751
V3, V4, V6: 12AT7
Tube Replacement Set RT2
Gain: Phono Stage 34.5 dB (phono overload 500 mV at 1kHz)
Line Stage 24.5 dB
Distortion: less than .05% THD or IMD
Response: bandpass 2Hz to more than 100kHz
RIAA equalization: +/- .25 dB (20 to 20 kHz)
S/N Ratio: Phono Stage 70 dB below 10 mv input
Line Stage 84 dB below 2.5 volt output
Phase Response: Line Stage phase correct, Phono Stage phase correct
Mechanical: 14" X 3 13/16" x 10"
Tube Preamplifier
Tube : 1 x 12AX7 , 2 x 5751 dan 3 x 12AT7
Ada gantian pada capasitor power supply
Komponen lainnya masih original
Potensio ALPS model besar
Made in USA
Harga : SOLD
pin BB : 20E12328
Introduced June 1980, 2A in March 1981, 2AR in January 1982

The PV2a revision entailed eliminating a coupling capacitor from both phono and line stages, resulting in significantly improved bass performance. Re-trimming the phono stage resulted in improved linearity and even closer RIAA tracking, further improved by use of 1% tolerance capacitors in the equalization circuit. The input tube for the line stage was changed from a 12AT7 to a 5751. Coupling capacitors were upgraded from mylar to polypropylene. The PV2ar further enhanced this model by a number of parametric changes aimed at improving high-frequency transient response.
Inputs/Outputs — Phono, Tuner, Auxiliary, monitor and recording facilities for two tape decks with dubbing from Tape 1 to Tape 2. Two power amplifier (Main) outputs.
Selector, Source/Monitor, Mode (Reverse, Stereo, Mono), Balance, Volume, & Power.
Auto-muting to suppress warm up transients.
V1: 12AX7
V2, V5: 5751
V3, V4, V6: 12AT7
Tube Replacement Set RT2
Gain: Phono Stage 34.5 dB (phono overload 500 mV at 1kHz)
Line Stage 24.5 dB
Distortion: less than .05% THD or IMD
Response: bandpass 2Hz to more than 100kHz
RIAA equalization: +/- .25 dB (20 to 20 kHz)
S/N Ratio: Phono Stage 70 dB below 10 mv input
Line Stage 84 dB below 2.5 volt output
Phase Response: Line Stage phase correct, Phono Stage phase correct
Mechanical: 14" X 3 13/16" x 10"
Potensio ALPS model besar
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